School Council is a liaison between parents, community representatives, teaching and non-teaching employees, students and the school principal. Through the active participation of parents, School Councils work to improve student achievement and enhance the accountability of the education system to parents. School Council consults and organizes school action plans, fundraising and communication strategies.

All parents are invited to join us for any of our monthly meetings at 7pm in the Library. Our first meeting will be on Monday, September 27 at 7pm. Those wishing nomination forms for the elections should contact the principal. If you have any questions please send an email to [email protected]

School Council Positions

The Council Chair's role largely ensures that proper Council meeting protocol is undertaken at all meetings. They coordinate members and the meeting agenda with the Principal or Vice Principal.

The Council Co-Chair is to provide assistance and support to the Chair and fulfill their duties when absent.

The Council Treasurer liaisons with Principal on matters pertaining to the budget and financial health of School Council.

The Council Secretary records all items of discussion, follow-up and accurately

notes all motions and voting results at Council meetings. Minutes from these

meetings are recorded and distributed to all members

Voting Members:
Attend meetings regularly and have the right to vote on all matters.

Non-Voting Members:
Can't commit to all the meetings but still want to be involved? Sign up as a non-voting member to stay current and informed.

School Council Minutes:
If you wish to review a copy of our meeting minutes please email [email protected] for a copy.

Parents and guardians can help students learn by:

  • showing interest in education and in their child's progress
  • discussing their child's work and academic progress with the teacher
  • praising their child's efforts and accomplishments
  • discussing various aspects of school work and activities with their child in a positive and supportive manner
  • setting up an appropriate homework area, providing appropriate materials, and limiting distractions
  • helping their child find the best time to do homework
  • asking their child to explain the assignment to them
  • monitoring their child's homework and provide assistance where needed
  • letting their child do the work on his/her own before helping
  • helping their child draw up a schedule to complete homework or a major project balanced with family time and extra-curricular activities
  • developing awareness of the expectations of the Ontario Curriculum
  • maintaining close communication with the school

School Council 2022-23

Council Co-Chairs: Amanda Sutton & Laura Geertsma

Secretary: Melanie Murphy

Treasurer: Andrea Webster

Meeting Dates:

All parents are invited to join us for any of our meetings at 6:30 pm in the library. Our meeting dates for this year are:

Oct. 2, Nov. 6, Dec.11, Feb. 5, April 8 (changed to March 25), May 6 


Meeting Minutes:

Guthrie Minutes Oct 2nd 2023.pdf
Guthrie Minutes Nov 6 2023.pdf

Guthrie Minutes Dec. 11, 2023

GPS_minutes School Council Feb 2024.pdf

March 25th 24 Meeting Minutes.pdf
May 6 2024 School Council Minutes.pdf


"Parent involvement in education is like the frosting on a cupcake, it makes it complete and oh so sweet."